Mission, vision and values

Our mission
WAAK creates long-term and adapted employment with opportunities for self-realisation for people who have difficulties accessing the regular labour market.
Employment means paid jobs with economic added value. A real job to be proud of.
Difficulties accessing the labour market
This is an abstract concept. how difficult it is for each individual is determined by the VDAB, the public employment service in Flanders. The reason why people have difficulties can be very diverse: a handicap or a psychosocial problem. People with these difficulties are generally entitlement to a subsidy, but this isn’t necessary in order to work at WAAK.
We offer a job with a future by focusing on long-term growth markets. We don’t create temporary jobs, but hire for an unlimited duration.
Adapted work
We make difficult work easier by deploying technology. We look for simple work on the market and offer different types of work.
We accompany people at work and beyond. Opportunities are tailor-made for individual possibilities. We provide educational possibilities and chances for promotion inside and outside of WAAK.

Our vision
We wish to maximally align with a normal company, and yet we also want to underscore how different we are. Admittedly, we don´t have an altogether easy story to tell - but then, making things easy is something we are very good at.
Our values
What you do acquires true meaning when other people are counting on you. Therefore we count on people, we want them to fulfil themselves. And for this they can count on us.
Those who join us receive an opportunity. Human growth always prevails over economic growth. That’s how we began, and that’s what we have continued to do.
We always remain true to our values. Thus as a customer you know what you have in WAAK: a yes is a yes, and a no is a no. We don’t make promises that we can’t keep. You can rely on our word.
Without deep respect for human beings and the world in which they live, you cannot be responsible, honest and fair in everything you do. Thus this is the basis on which everything has been built since 1965.