SDG #1: End poverty

SDG #1: End poverty
People with disabilities, whether mental or physical, often have problems accessing the regular labour market. Without alternative routes in, there is a considerable likelihood that those with disabilities would end up in poverty. As a social enterprise it is our mission to find solutions. We help these groups to find decent work that ensures a steady income. At WAAK however, we like to go the extra mile
For instance, our company employs ‘talent coaches’. Their job is to both provide professional guidance as well as assistance with domestic or personal problems. Our coaches’ primary mission is to detect problems. These can be relatively simple, such as mobility problems, but they can also be very complex, such as debt, addiction, anger management, etc. (or indeed a combination thereof). Having identified their needs, our talent coaches will refer service users on to specialised services, such as the OCMW (Belgium’s Public Centre for Social Welfare), CAW (regional welfare organisation), or any number of other non-profit organisations. These services will then help them access the help they need.
Our coaches’ work is a form of early intervention which helps prevent things from getting worse and, therefore, also plays an essential role in reducing poverty.