Employee saves 240.000 rubber bands from the waste flow

Too much waste is thrown away. And we don’t like that. However, we do recycle a lot, but ‘recycling’ is a word we don’t use a lot. It’s a term we want to get rid of. In our opinion, re-using is the new recycling. At WAAK we try to keep ‘waste’ within our company’s walls. We try to recover and re-use it as much as possible… Luckily, we can count on the help of our employees.
By the end of 2020, our colleague, Dries Depoortere, came up with the wonderful idea to recover rubber bands and plastic bags. In his department, they are thrown away in the recycling bin. But since they’re mostly intact, it is not necessary to recycle them. So that’s why Dries and his team, decided to recover, and re-use them.

The result? In one year (and in Dries’ department only), 172.000 plastic bags and 248.000 rubber bands were taken out of the waste stream. Not only was this beneficial for the environment, we saved € 1.600! In other words, it is an initiative with a lot of potential. We’re therefore incredibly proud of what Dries and his colleagues realised.
At WAAK we have a think tank, called ‘Circular’. Together we consider what we, as a company, can do to make our activities more circular. We want to realise this by engaging in large-scale collaborative projects, and by inspiring our employees to look at their own waste flow, and to start with their own circular initiatives.
WAAK as a circular partner for your company!
As a social enterprise, WAAK wants to contribute to the creation of a circular world and economy. The refurbishment, dismantling, and transformation of waste into new raw materials… WAAK has all the resources and know-how that your company needs!

I'm happy to help you.
Kristof Hots
Sales & Marketing Director
M kristof.hots@waak.be
T +32 56 36 34 34