Onze activiteiten

WAAK - Industriële assemblag
WAAK - samenstellen pakketten


We pack with the greatest care and to the highest standards. We offer our customers a broad range of packing techniques, and strictly timed deliveries. That’s the WAAK way.

Lees meer over Packing
WAAK montagewerk

Mounting work

Are you looking for an experienced partner for the manual assembly and finishing of your product? WAAK is here to help! Discover our extensive range of services.

Lees meer over Mounting work
WAAK - circulair ondernemen

Circular projects

As a pioneer in circular entrepreneurship, WAAK is delighted to apply all of its know-how in the interest of its customers.

Lees meer over Circular projects

WAAK groeit duurzaam: 2000 medewerkers! Vooruitzichten voor 2021.

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