SDG #3: Good health and well-being

Exercising, enjoying sports, eating healthy food, drinking water and going to the doctor when you are sick are things most people take for granted. However, for our workers this is not necessarily the case. Not only do they have problems accessing the labour market, but they can often also suffer from social isolation.
Our workers get professional and personal guidance from our talent coaches and team leaders. They talk and meet with them on a regular basis. Their main task is to detect problems before they escalate. They put them in contact with specialised social services and organisations. The problems our workers face are very varied, from difficult and complex home situations to mobility problems and even health problems or issues such as poor personal hygiene.
When the team leaders or talent coaches notice such issues, they will talk to the person, and if that does not help, or when urgent action is required, they will contact the appropriate authorities, e.g. doctors, psychologists, hospitals, etc.
Although health might be seen as primarily the responsibility of the individual, we do organise collective initiatives, such as offering healthy food (fruit, daily meals, etc), encouraging people to cycle to work (we even offer cycle-to-work scheme), sports initiatives (cycling and running teams), annual smoking cessation sessions, ergonomics training and analysis, mental health sessions, etc.
By combining individual and collective initiatives, we want to motivate our employees to stay healthy. Not only is it incredibly important for our employees, it also benefits our company (less absenteeism and better work performances) and society. It’s a win-win-win for everybody!