SDG #8: Decent work and economic growth

Based on the belief that every human being should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential, WAAK’s aim is to create sustainable jobs for people who have problems accessing the (regular) labour market. This means that we do not offer people temporary jobs. Many people, before they come to WAAK, go from one temporary job to another, a situation which makes it difficult to make a living. At WAAK we want to break the cycle by offering everyone a permanent position. This is the only way to give people job security and stability.
We want to give our workers meaningful jobs of which they can be proud. Many of our workers live in or on the edge of poverty. It is our mission to end this unacceptable situation. At WAAK, our workers receive a decent wage, on a par with that which they would receive in a ‘regular’ company. We do not offer our people ‘McJobs’. The biggest difference between WAAK and a ‘regular’ company is that the work is adapted to the needs and limitations of our workers. It is our workers, rather than our work, that are at the heart of our company. Other than that, the differences between us and other companies are minimal.
At WAAK, our approach to sustainability is twofold. Firstly, we look for employment in sustainable industries, such as the e-mobility industry, HVAC and charging station sector. Not only are their products beneficial to the environment, but we firmly believe that these industries represent enormous employment opportunities. This belief is confirmed by the rapidly growing demand for such products. Secondly, we offer our people sustainable employment and job security by seeking market opportunities in these forward-looking industries.